Beyond The Vision - How it became a reality!
The Journey for a new modern Musée Ukraina Museum ...
It has been a long journey - which officially started with a ground-breaking ceremony on December 10, 2010. The building plan included necessary requirements for a museum covering more than 12,000 sq. ft. over two floors - at a capital cost of 3.5 million.
Two years later, on September 20, 2012 we were honoured to welcome His Beatitude, Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk to the newly built Musée Ukraina Museum. He bestowed a blessing on the Museum and those commited to its Mission.
The Museum officially opened its first floor to the public two days later, on Saturday, September 22, 2012. The first floor of the Museum includes three unique galleries, a Boutique Gift Shop and offices. Since then, the 2nd floor has opened up for use with a large multi-purpose area, archive storage rooms and a meeting room.
Upon entry to the Museum, the first striking feature is the Religious Gallery containing components of now closed prairie churches. The large Iconostasis (wall of icons) was imported from Ukraine in 1925 to St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church at Brooksby, Saskatchewan.
The Permanent Gallery showcases the cultural and historic story of the Ukrainian people displaying a sample of the 20,000 plus treasures within the Museum's collection of traditional Ukrainian folk art and artifacts.
The Feature Gallery presents exhibits by internationally renowned artists as well as highlighting local artists.
The Gift Shop - small but filled with locally produced items as well as unique collections direct from Ukraine.
Musée Ukraina Museum is grateful for the original financial support to the capital campaign from the Government of Saskatchewan ($534,625); the Dr. Stephen & Michelene Worobetz Foundation ($350,000), the Ernest & Jayne Paluck Campaign 2021, and through the dedication and commitment of many leaders and generous people.
Families, organizations and estates have sponsored the following spaces:
· Ernest & Jayne Paluck Permanent Gallery
· Peter Kiziak Feature Gallery
· Steve & Anne Abrametz Board Room
· Stephen & Michelene Worobetz Archive & Collection Room
· UCWLC Archive Room
· Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood Archive Room
As we continue to grow the vision of MUM which embraces the proud traditions of the Ukrainian people it is important that we do it together. What has been entrusted to all of us is to be understood and protected and can only be achieved if we work together. We are extremely grateful to our community for their unfailing support and the work undertaken together - ensuring that our Ukrainian-Canadian history, represented by the artifacts within our collection, can be preserved for future generations as a means of connecting our children with the past. Musée Ukraina Museum proudly continues to invest in making our community stronger!
The vision...... and, the reality!
The ground breaking ceremony of December 10, 2010:
Pictured (from left to right): Maurice Soulodre (Architect), Morris & Anna Korpan (representing all the donors), Eileen Yaworski (Eparchial UCWLC President), Patricia Mialkowsky (President, Board of Directors), Jayne Paluck (1st President of the Board of Directors), Angeline Chrusch (representing all the volunteers), Dr. Lawrence Worobetz (representing the Dr. Stephen & Michelene Worobetz Foundation), Wynne Young (Deputy Minister of Tourism, Parks, Culture & Sports), Paul Machibroda (representing the Museum Building Advisory Committee) and James Chrusch (Bayda Kozaks).

Next page: A 70 Year History of Musée Ukraina Museum