A Message from our Eparch
Glory be to Jesus Christ!
Dear brothers and sisters,
Museé Ukraina Museum is a valued part of the Eparchy of Saskatoon. Its board consists of members not only from Saskatoon but from around the Province of Saskatchewan; thus, it is a museum by and for all the members of the Eparchy and beyond. The board members are committed to the work of the Museum and to making it thrive. I thank them for their dedication and drive.
The Museum has relationships with other local, national, and international Ukrainian museums. With these connections the Museum can share and promote Ukrainian culture in a collaborative way that benefits all the museums and their work. Building and enhancing relationships and connections are a crucial part of the work of the Museum.
Museé Ukraina Museum is a shining example of the preservation of our Ukrainian Catholic history as lived out in the homes and churches of our people in the past. This celebration of history through the work of the Museum helps us all to live out our faith in our homes and our churches today in new and challenging circumstances. The work of the Museum also inspires us to tell and share the story of our lived faith in the future rooted in the lessons of the past.
Most Rev. Michael Smolinski, C.Ss.R.
Eparch of Saskatoon
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