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President's Message

Слава Ісусу Христу! Слава Навіки!
Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory be Forever!

Welcome to our Museum and it's long serving treasury of artifacts and memories.

This past year has been exceptionally eventful and rewarding at Musée Ukraina Museum. Through the hard work of our volunteers and Board of Directors the Collections Gallery is brimming with the brilliant displays of our treasured artifacts and their stories. Storage boxes were unpacked and our amazing collection is being revealed. It is through the generosity of many donors that our Museum collection has been growing over the past 70 years. During this time many people have contributed their talents, knowledge, and hard work, leaving an undeniable legacy for future generations. Our Museum milieu creates opportunities for people to step forward and donate their time and energy, contributing to its success. Engagement with the Museum through volunteering leads us to discover our own talents and gives us a community to build lifelong friendships.

On June 23, 2024 we celebrated the generosity of our donors with a memorable Gala event at the Museum. Here we recognized the exemplary initiative of Ernest and Jayne Paluk who challenged us by pledging to match donations to the Museum up to $500,000. This successful campaign raised $1,000,000, which retired the outstanding mortgage on our Museum building. At this Gala afternoon we also saw the unveiling of the Donor Wall and Rizba Book which elegantly recognizes the many supporters of our Museum.

The mandate of Musée Ukraina Museum includes education and building our community. We have enjoyed collaboration with the Ukrainian Museum of Canada (UMC) on several occasions. At the beginning of the new year, artifacts from our pottery collection were loaned to the UMC for their exhibit. In the meantime, we have continued to show many fine examples of pottery from our collection in the Pottery Traditions and Transplanted Motifs exhibit in our Feature Gallery. A new exhibit in this space is being planned for the New Year. During Ukraine Day in the Park members of our Museum and the UMC co-presented the dramatic and eye-opening posters prepared by the Maidan Museum in Kyiv, "Destroyed Temples of Ukraine" at the Cultural and Educational tent.

Throughout this past year the Museum has been open on Sundays from 11:30 am to 3:30 pm, and otherwise by appointment. One of our esteemed visitors was Ihor Poshyvailo, Director of the Maidan Museum in Kyiv, Ukraine. He was most impressed with our collection and the foresight of our founders and donors for preserving the Ukrainian culture of their heritage, especially in light of longtime and current efforts of russian invaders to destroy and erase all that is Ukrainian.

Our community events are growing with the addition of a Pysanka Bingo. Its popularity and success encourages us to make it an annual event! The sold-out Varvara's Varenyky Vechir was held on October 26, 2024 at St George's Senior Center. Thank you to the Sisters of St. Joseph for their delicious varenyky and holubtsi and to all who contributed to this eagerly anticipated evening.

Similar to last year on December 26, 2024 we hosted a Koliada at the Museum with group carol singing and traditional Ukrainian hospitality. This festive celebration was co-ordinated with the Sisters of Saint Joseph who welcomed visitors to their Shrine of Blessed Martyrs Olympia and Laurentia.

Слава Україні! Героям Слава!
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!

Anna Mycyk